Our people in Liberia are suffering because NO ONE IN LIBERIA CARES for them. Do you know JFK is the world worst hospital to go to when ill? The hospital is filthy and smells like a sewer tank to say the least. When we (FELMAUSA Medical Mission Team) got to JFK, there were no gloves in the entire hospital, none at all we were told by Mrs. Willie, Procurement Specialist. JFK sent their patients out to buy their own gauge and gloves if they want services.
There are no baby bottles in any of the hospitals in Liberia; mothers are training their new born to drink from a cup because they are not nourished enough to breastfeed their new born. No record keeping system at JFK, nobody knows who you are even though you may have been there a 100 times. Don’t expect the nurses to “feel your pain”, in fact, they don’t want you messing up their floor or clothes so they will not treat you until you clean up yourself. Pehn-Pehns die like flies at JFK each and every day. 80% of JFK patients are pehn-pehns, ask Dr. Guizie. This, my friend is just the tip of the ice burg. Stay tune I have much more to come about Liberia and my 3 1/2 weeks stay there. In short, I wouldn’t take my 19 (human years) years old dog Trixie to JFK!!! You think JFK is bad, trying using the bathrooms at any public offices or clinics in Monrovia; you will not be able to eat or swallow after. There are no working public restrooms in Monrovia, so people are using the outdoors as restrooms and guess where the rain water is taking their dunk, back into the water systems.
No one in Liberia will do anything for you if there is nothing in it for them, even your own family or closed friend. The kids are not playing any more, too busy trying to survive so play time has been put on hold. Liberians have turned themselves into “professional beggers”…. Honestly, I couldn’t take the daily begging any longer. No one wants to start a small business for themselves, begging seem to be easier…what a shame!! Liberia is far more expensive then America, ask anyone who wants to tell you the truth! The Senators, Ministers, and foreigners are the only ones with power and enjoying life in Liberia, but they are also the biggest criminals and break all the rules of law daily!
There are nurse aids in Liberia pretending to be doctors and writing prescriptions and have clinics all over the place. There are nurse aids operating on patients daily, this is why we are dying everyday!! We have Physician Assistant who cannot correctly check your blood pressure but will quickly try to perform a C-Section operation….scary!!! There are Medical vehicles without gas and or working car battery parked “ready to be call in case of an emergency”, no lie, I live this one myself. Oh, don’t call the driver while he is eating, he will not move until he is done eating. Let not forget he can barely see!!! Madam President hired those Senators and Ministers thinking they would bring their outside work ethic and experiences to help her rebuild Liberia, instead they parked their ethic and experiences at RIA and join the ones on the ground and nothing is happening.
One senators office I visited had not one sheet of paper on his desk, not even a folder or pen, nothing, just fancy office well air conditioned. I think Liberia should be turn over to a foreign western company if we want to save her and JFK hospital should be shut down immediately!!! This is how most of their offices look, nothing going on. Oh, don’t waist your time sending them emails, they told us they don’t open it because it takes too long. Attachment, forget it. We (FELMAUSE team) sent all of the doctors and nurses documents via an email attached to the minister to health thinking that by the time we get there, the nurses and doctors temporary licenses to practice in Liberia will be ready. NOT the case, the minister himself sat with us and told us they don’t open their emails, it takes too long, that they needed hard copies before we could start work. Now take a look at the minister’s secretary, what is she doing?......That’s right, taking a nap after watching a movie, see the TV. They were watching one of those Liberian movie during work hours in the minister’s office area. Look closely at the clock, its 2pm. And this was going on while we were there, just imagine what happens when no one is around. They are doing exactly what Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is satisfied with, NOTHING all day long!!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
My comment on some of Liberia Issues!!
Posted by
Robbie Answer My Questions
5:27 PM
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the most corrupt African President
I just found out that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has a lot of her government officials staying in various hotels in Liberia. A lot of them do not have decent homes in Liberia so the country is paying for them to be housed in expenses hotels around the city.
Take a look at Government Officials in Liberia annual gross salary each:
Fees Items
$15,000.00 salary
4,500.00 Gas card
6,000.00 Monthly Hotel fees
100.00 Drivers salary @ $50.00 ea
50,000.00 Two SUVs
25,000.00 Traveling expenses to visit wife and children
25,000.00 Medical expenses outside of Liberia
10,000.00 Misc. expanses
$135,600.00 Total Gross salary. And this is just the one we know about, I am sure there are more hidden fees!
A small country like Liberia no one should be getting this kind of money per year! If Ellen returns for a second term, Liberia will be in the poor house by the end of her term or before. This is another form of corruption at its highest. Not only will the country be broke but she is setting the country for another war…….this time, it will be the between the “been-tos” and the “stay-at-home”!!
Posted by
Robbie Answer My Questions
2:25 PM
Joke Of The Day
Liberians, I have few questions I would really like answers to
1. What would happen if all of our Liberian non-for-profit organizations deleted their constitutions and by-laws? Most non-profit organizations outside of Liberians do not have constitutions and or by-laws. What would happen if we had no political jah-jah in our organizations?
2. What would happen if we did not put these titles before our Liberian people names? "His or Her Excellency", "Honorable", "chairperson", "Governor", and so forth and so on? If we call the president of Liberia, Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf, what will happen to us after doing so and what is the reason behind these titles anyway? Most places will say: Mr. Bush, president of the USA, not His Excellency Bush!!
3. What would happen if we really wanted to help our country Liberia and did it this way; instead of having hundreds of Liberian organizations going NOWHERE FAST? What if we divided the Liberians living in America by States and divide them by Liberia counties and terrorities. Here’s my madness: Take Liberia nine counties plus five terrorities equal fourteen areas, hopefully it is still that number from when I left. Divide that into the fifty states, which will give you 3.57 states per Liberia area. Let say, all Liberians in the 3.57 states take on one of those counties or terrorities and get together to re-build the area. Do you think Liberia will be on her feet by the year 2012? Again: 9 + 5 = 14 ÷ 50 = 3.57.
4. What if all Liberian government officials had to public a monthly "job" progress report with evidences to all Liberian newspaper? Do you think they will put effort into their jobs? What would happen if the public had the power to fire them for not doing their jobs or not doing it according to their job descriptions?
5. What if the president of Liberia, Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf was to ask each adult Liberians living outside of Liberia to send $50.00US to help re-build the schools in Liberia; how much do you think would be collected and how many schools do you think will be in the position to compete with the western world by the year 2012?
Everyone please have a blessed day and remember to answer the questions you truly can relate to.